The error-free Imams
As we believe our Twelve Imams to be error-free – M’asumin – why do they themselves often ask God for forgiveness? Most of our prayers of supplication – du’a – are from the Imams and these clearly ind...
The inheritance of Knowledge by the Imams
Besides the book Al-Kafi by al-Kulayni, are there other sources of ahadith in which Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq (A.S) discusses Divine designation – Nass – and knowledge – ilm – inherited by one Imam from an...
Shi'a references on Leadership
I would be most grateful if you would help me locate references on the shi’ah view of leadership and dissimulation.
The revelation of certain ayaat
When was the ayah ‘I have today perfected your religion’ – ‘al-Yawm Akmaltu lakum Dinakum’ – revealed?