Shi'ism and Khilafah
According to my understanding, Shi’ah is an Arabic word for group. No such group apparently existed prior to the institution of the caliphate – khalafah – and it was only instituted to oppose Abu Bakr...
The infallibility of the Imams (A.S)
I am confused. If error-free Imams – M’asumin – know what will occur in the future, why was Imam Reza (A.S) prepared to knowingly drink poison? Would this not be suicide?
The revelation of certain ayaat
When was the ayah ‘I have today perfected your religion’ – ‘al-Yawm Akmaltu lakum Dinakum’ – revealed?
Introducing Usul-al-Din to others
What degree of punishment – ta’azeer or hadd – should be imposed on one, who claims to be a practising Muslim, yet does not believe that Imam Ali (A.S) is superior to any prophet other than Muhammad (...